Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Implied consent bill passes in House 95-0

Good news for Tennessee drivers. The bill which will permit the violation of implied consent to be determined in Sessions Court passed in the House of Represenatatives a few minutes ago. There was an amendment that does 2 things. 1) A D.A. can elect to keep the violation with the DUI and have it determined in Criminal Court, if he/she chooses to do so (and I can't imagine why a DA would want to do so) and 2) the DUI license revocation will be concurrent with the implied consent revocation, unless the driver has a conviction in the last five years for: a) a prior implied consent violation, b) underage DWI, c)open container or d) reckless driving, if the charged offense was a DUI.

The amended bill will be available on the website in the resources folder.

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