Friday, January 25, 2013


I want to share some basic knowledge from the meeting I have attended this week:

1) It is a priority of the Federal Motor Carriers to remove dangerous truckers from the road.
2) A great indicator of whether a driver is dangerous is his/her driving history.
3) The trucker who is ticketed for speeding, weaving, drifting across lane line or falling asleep is muh more likely to crash and kill than someone who complies with the law.
4) If a person with a CDL is convicted of a DUI in their personal vehicle, the CDL will be suspended 1 year.
5) If a person with a CDL is convicted of a violation of implied consent in their personal vehicle, their CDL will be suspended one year.
6) If a person with a CDL is convicted of a felony, while using any type of vehicle, the CDL will be suspended one year, if the fact that the felony involved a vehicle is reported to DMV.
7) If a person is convicted of a drug related crime, while using a vehicle, the person's CDL will be suspended for life, if the fact that a vehicle was used in the crime is reported to DMV.

Since we don't want drug dealers, pedophiles, and other felons to be able to drive trucks around our country, it should be a priority to let the DMV know of these crimes.

Most truck drivers are responsible professionals. The industry is negatively affected when bad drivers are not held responsible for their crimes.

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